The Edison Foundation has established a scholarship program to help the children, grandchildren and spouses of Phillips Edison & Company associates realize and enjoy their educational dreams. Scholarships are offered each year for study at an accredited institution of the student’s choice.
This program is administered by Scholarship America®, the nation’s largest designer and manager of scholarship, tuition assistance and other education support programs for corporations, foundations, associations, and individuals. Awards are granted without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender, disability, or national origin.
Applicants to The Edison Foundation Scholarship Program must be:
Award Information
The authorized distribution for new awards will be up to $25,000. Up to five (5) awards of $5,000 will be granted as follows:
The program will be administered in full compliance with IRS Revenue Procedure 76-47. Per IRS requirements, the scholarship is competitive and no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the eligible applicants will receive an award
Awards are renewable up to three (3) additional years or until the degree or certificate selected on the original application is received. Recipients may change major or general study area; however, the scholarship is not transferable to additional degree types.
Renewal students must maintain full-time enrollment status and a cumulative grade point average of 2.7 or above on a 4.0 scale.
Recipients who complete their selected degree may reapply as a new applicant to the program during the next open application period for a new degree type.
Awards are for undergraduate and graduate study, as well as other programs that facilitate career development.
Selection of Recipients
Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of:
Financial need will also be considered as described in the ‘awards’ section.
Selection of recipients is made by Scholarship America. In no instance does any officer or employee of The Edison Foundation play a part in the selection. All applicants agree to accept the decision as final.
Applicants will be notified in May. Not all applicants to the program will be selected as recipients.
Payment of Scholarships
Scholarship America processes scholarship payments on behalf of The Edison Foundation. Awards will be paid in one installment in late July.
As part of your application, you must upload the following documents:
Also as part of your application, one online recommendation form must be submitted on your behalf.
Your application is not complete unless all required documents are submitted electronically.