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The application program will be available again in January. Please return then to view the updated Eligibility and Awards for the upcoming academic year! If you are an applicant who would like to discover more scholarship opportunities you might qualify for, please continue to the Scholarship America Hub and sign up!


Charles N. Egan Scholarship Program
Application status: Closed

Little Rapids Corporation – Egan Family Foundation, Inc. (Foundation) has established a scholarship program to assist children and grandchildren of employees of Little Rapids Corporation who plan to continue their education in college or vocational school programs.

This program is administered by Scholarship America®, the nation’s largest designer and manager of scholarship and other education support programs for corporations, foundations, associations, and individuals. Eligibility for individual programs is determined at the sole discretion of the sponsor, and eligible applications are reviewed by Scholarship America’s evaluation team.

In 1986, the Egan Family established the Little Rapids Corporation – Egan Family Foundation to fund charities in communities where Little Rapids Corporation has facilities. Since 1989, the primary recipient of the Little Rapids Corporation – Egan Family Foundation grants has been the Charles N. Egan Scholarship program. The program provides scholarship funds exclusively to dependent children of Little Rapids Corporation associates.

The Charles N. Egan Scholarship program is managed independently by Scholarship America of Minneapolis, Minnesota. No officers or staff of either Little Rapids Corporation or Little Rapids Corporation – Egan Family Foundation consider the merits of Charles N. Egan Scholarship applications.

As you consider whether to fill out the application, take a moment to understand the reason why the Charles N. Egan Scholarship was established and why the program continues to be a great success year after year.

Charles N. Egan founded Little Rapids Corporation in 1947, following years of tireless effort in the paper industry during the Depression and World War II. Today, the business represents the highest attainment of his effort as an entrepreneur, engineer and risk taker. In his name and to honor his accomplishments, the Little Rapids Corporation – Egan Family Foundation created the Charles N. Egan Scholarship. The Egan Family knew that a particular scholarship given to their father in 1928 by an anonymous donor offered him a doorway to a first-rate education leading to a degree from Yale University in 1933.

Charles Egan was not born to wealth or advantage. Higher education was one of his passions because it had given him tools to see opportunity, take advantage of it and to persevere in the face of great challenge.

These guidelines describes a way to help you afford your higher education. Many other children of the Little Rapids Corporation associates have been given similar brochures for a Charles N. Egan Scholarship. Some of them acted on the opportunity by filling out the application forms and were selected to receive scholarship funds. Others chose not to participate for any number of reasons. The life story of Charles N. Egan, including raising nine children, starting a business that survives today and making the most of a great, generous life in good and bad times, is an example of a scholarship opportunity offered, seized and built upon.

Applicants to the Charles N. Egan Scholarship Program must be:

  • Children* or grandchildren of full time employees of Little Rapids Corporation with one year of continuous employment as of the application deadline date.
    *Children are defined as natural and adopted children, stepchildren and legal wards of the employee.
  • Applicants must be high school seniors or graduates who are enrolled or planning to enroll in a full time course of study leading to an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree at an accredited vocational-technical school, two-year college or four year college or university.


If selected as a recipient, the student will receive an award ranging from $1,000 to $5,000. The top recipient will receive the Wayne Kocourek Award.

Awards may be renewed for up to three additional years or until a bachelor’s degree is earned, whichever occurs first. Renewal is contingent upon satisfactory academic performance in a full-time course of study and continuation of the program by the Foundation.

Awards are for undergraduate study only.


All applicants will be notified in May.

Payment of Scholarships

Scholarship America processes scholarship payments on behalf of the Foundation. Payment is made in August.

Selection of Recipients

Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of:

  • Academic record
  • Demonstrated leadership and participation in school and community activities
  • Work experience
  • A statement of educational and career goals and objectives
  • Unusual personal or family circumstances

Financial need will be considered in determining the size of the award.  Potential recipients who do not demonstrate need (or who do not provide financial information) will be eligible to receive a one-time honorarium at the minimum amount.  Students who receive a one-time honorarium may not reapply unless their financial circumstances change.

Not all applicants to the program will be selected as recipients. Students may reapply to the program each year they meet eligibility requirements.

Selection of recipients is made by Scholarship America. In no instance does any officer or employee of Little Rapids Corporation – Egan Family Foundation, Inc. play a part in the selection. All applicants agree to accept the decision as final.

As part of your application, you must upload the following documents:

  • A current, complete transcript of grades. Grade reports are not accepted. Transcripts must display:
    • Student name
    • School name
    • Grades
    • Credit hours for each course, and term in which each course was taken.

      NOTE: If you are providing SAT or ACT test scores, and those scores are not listed on your high school transcript, you will need to upload an official copy of those test scores separately. If you are uploading a college transcript, those scores are not required.

Your application is not considered complete unless all required documents are submitted electronically.

Egan Family Foundation, Inc. has partnered with Scholarship America. Selecting the button below will redirect you to the Scholarship America Student Hub!

Please make sure to add as well as the program email address provided below in the footer as safe senders in your email contact list.