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The application program will be available again in November. Please return then to view the updated Eligibility and Awards for the upcoming academic year! If you are an applicant who would like to discover more scholarship opportunities you might qualify for, please continue to the Scholarship America Hub and sign up!

Melvin Kruger Scholarship Program
Application status: Closed

For more than a quarter century, the Roofing Alliance has been a catalyst for progress and innovation in the roofing industry, tackling critical challenges ranging from workforce development and education to cutting-edge technology and pioneering research. Committed to its core mission of giving back and safeguarding the industry’s future, the Roofing Alliance continues to foster growth and transformation. A shining example of this commitment is the Melvin Kruger Scholarship Program, a cornerstone of our philanthropic initiatives, designed to attract, develop, and empower skilled professionals through education and financial support.

We wish to thank the individuals and organizations who have made generous contributions to the Melvin Kruger Scholarship fund, which enables us to award scholarships.

Please visit the Roofing Alliance website to see the list of donors..

The Melvin Kruger Scholarship Program offers three scholarship categories that use a single application. Information about each category is found below.

The Melvin Kruger Scholarship Program is intended for employees such as field workers, foremen, operations managers, superintendents, office personnel, sales staff, warehouse workers, equipment operators, drivers, etc., or their spouse, or their dependent children.

This program is administered by Scholarship America®, the nation’s largest designer and manager of scholarship and other education support programs for corporations, foundations, associations, and individuals. Eligibility for individual programs is determined at the sole discretion of the sponsor, and eligible applications are reviewed by Scholarship America’s evaluation team.

Accredited University Scholarship

The purpose of the Accredited University Scholarship is to assist individuals seeking to further their education. Scholarship recipients are eligible to receive funding for up to four years of full-time study at any accredited post-secondary institution of the student’s choice.

Priority will be given to individuals pursuing careers in the roofing or building construction industries (which include architecture; civil, mechanical or structural engineering; construction management; or occupational health and safety.)


All NRCA and Roofing Alliance member applicants shall be:

  • Full-time and part-time employee* of a roofing industry company or their spouses or dependent children**. The employee must have a minimum of one year of full-time or part-time employment with their companies as of the application deadline.
  • High school seniors or graduates who plan to enroll or students who are already enrolled in a full-time undergraduate course of study.

Construction Management student applicants shall be:

  • Enrolled at the undergraduate level, regardless of industry affiliation, in a program leading to Bachelor of Science in Construction management degrees that typically are accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCCE),
  • High school seniors or graduates who plan to enroll or students who are already enrolled in a full-time undergraduate course of study.

Accredited CTE Scholarship

The Melvin Kruger Scholarship Program—Accredited CTE Scholarship is designed to help those who are seeking a professional career inside the roofing industry including but not limited to those seeking to be roof system and sheet metal installers/fabricators, crane and equipment operators, foremen and superintendents, warehouse and inventory specialists, and other roofing trade specialties.

This scholarship is not designed for those careers that require a four-year undergraduate degree.


All NRCA and Roofing Alliance member applicants shall be:

  • Full-time or part-time employee* of a roofing industry company or their spouses or dependent children**. The employee must have a minimum of one year of full-time or part-time employment with their companies as of the application deadline.
  • High school seniors or graduates who plan to enroll or students who are already enrolled in a full-time undergraduate course of study directly related to a career in the roofing industry at an accredited vocational or technical trade school for an entire academic year.

CTE and Vocational student applicants shall be:

  • Enrolled in CTE programs or vocational schools regardless of industry affiliation.
  • High school seniors or graduates who plan to enroll or students who are already enrolled in a full-time undergraduate course of study directly related to a career in the roofing industry at an accredited vocational or technical trade school for an entire academic year.

Diversity Scholarship

The Diversity Scholarship program is open to African American, Black, Hispanic or Latino, Asian, Pacific Islanders, Native American, Native Hawaiian, Indigenous, LGBTQ+ and multi-racial students. All female students are also eligible regardless of race or ethnicity. Any other students who come from backgrounds that would add to the cause of diversity, regardless of race or gender, are eligible to apply, including applicants with physical, mental or other disabilities.

The Diversity Scholarship is open to those who are pursuing a construction science education at either an accredited post-secondary institution or an accredited vocational or technical trade school.


All NRCA and Roofing Alliance member applicants shall be:

  • Full-time or part-time employee* of a roofing industry company or their spouses or dependent children**. The employee must have a minimum of one year of full-time or part-time employment with their companies as of the application deadline.
  • High school seniors or graduates who plan to enroll or students who are already enrolled in a full-time undergraduate course of study directly related to a career in the roofing industry at an accredited vocational or technical trade school for an entire academic year.

Construction Management student applicants shall be:

  • Enrolled at the undergraduate level, regardless of industry affiliation, in a program leading to Bachelor of Science in Construction management degrees that typically are accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCCE),
  • High school seniors or graduates who plan to enroll or students who are already enrolled in a full-time undergraduate course of study.

CTE and Vocational student applicants shall be:

  • Enrolled in CTE programs or vocational schools regardless of industry affiliation.
  • High school seniors or graduates who plan to enroll or students who are already enrolled in a full-time undergraduate course of study directly related to a career in the roofing industry at an accredited vocational or technical trade school for an entire academic year.

The following groups of individuals are NOT eligible:

  • Company owners, their spouses, or their dependent children;
  • Upper/senior management position (VP and above) employees, their spouses, or their dependent children;
  • Past and current Roofing Alliance Board of Trustee members and officers, their spouses, or their dependent children;
  • NRCA industrial/institutional and international members, their spouses, or their dependent children.

Not all applicants to the program will be selected as recipients.

*The program is intended for employees (such as field workers, foremen, operations managers, superintendents, office personnel, sales staff, warehouse workers, equipment operators, drivers, etc.) their spouses and children.

**Dependent children are defined as natural or legally adopted children, stepchildren, or grandchildren who are declared as tax exemptions by the employee parent or guardian.


Accredited University Scholarship

  • $5,000 awards will be granted up to a maximum of twelve high school seniors or graduates who plan to enroll, or students who are already enrolled, in a full-time course of study directly related to a career in the roofing industry or building construction.
    • Must enroll at an accredited two- or four-year college or university for an entire academic year.
    • Awards may be renewed for up to three additional years or until a bachelor’s degree is earned, whichever occurs first. Renewal is contingent upon the following renewal requirements:
      • Maintain a final, cumulative 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent) at the end of the school year,
      • Maintain the same major, and
      • Maintain the eligibility requirements stated in the Eligibility page.
        Scholarships are not guaranteed if the applicant’s major or eligibility changes.

Accredited CTE Scholarship

  • $1,000 awards will be granted up to a maximum of five high school seniors or graduates who plan to enroll, or are already enrolled, in a full-time course of study directly related to a career in the roofing industry.
    • Must enroll at an accredited vocational or technical trade school for an entire academic year.
    • Awards are not renewable, however, students may reapply each year they meet eligibility requirements.
      Scholarships are not guaranteed if the applicant’s major or eligibility changes.

Diversity Scholarship

  • Up to two (2) scholarships – 1-$5,000 (post-secondary) and 1-$1,000 (vocational or trade) will be awarded to students with diverse backgrounds* from one of the eligible categories.
    • The post-secondary ($5,000) awards are renewable up to three years of undergraduate study provided recipients meet the annual renewal requirements: (1) maintain a final, cumulative 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or the equivalent) at the end of the school year; (2) maintain a qualified major; and (3) maintain the eligibility requirements stated in this application.
    • The $1,000 (vocational or trade) award is not renewable. However, students may apply each year they meet the eligibility requirements.

Priority will be given to Roofing Alliance and NRCA members for all categories.

*Students are eligible to receive just one award from one of the eligible categories.

Selection of Recipients

Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of academic performance, demonstrated leadership and participation in school and community activities, work experience, volunteer experience, essay response, and an outside appraisal.

Scholarship applicants will be considered on all aspects of their application, including merit and personal achievements.

Selection of finalists is made by Scholarship America. The Roofing Alliance Board of Trustees will select recipients. All applicants agree to accept the decision as final.


All applicants will be notified in May.

Payment of Scholarships

Scholarship America processes scholarship payments on behalf of the Melvin Kruger Scholarship Program. Payment is made in August. Checks are mailed to each recipient’s home address and made payable to the student’s school.

As part of your application, you must upload the following:

  • A current, complete transcript of grades. Grade reports are not accepted. Transcripts must display:
    • Student name
    • School name
    • Grades
    • Credit hours for each course and term in which each course was taken.

    NOTE: If you are providing SAT or ACT test scores, and those scores are not listed on your high school transcript, you will need to upload a copy of your test score report(s) separately. If you are uploading a college transcript, those scores are not required.

    One online recommendation form must be submitted on your behalf no later than February 5, 2025 3:00 pm Central Time.

    Your application is not complete unless all required materials are submitted electronically.

    The Roofing Alliance has partnered with Scholarship America. Selecting the button below will redirect you the Scholarship America Student Hub!

    Please make sure to add as well as the program email address provided below in the footer as safe senders in your email contact list.