“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” It is with these words, originally spoken by Nelson Mandela, coupled with our desire to support our employees and their families in their quest for furthering their education, we offer the NextMile Scholarship Program. This program is available to employees, spouses, and children of employees who are rising high school seniors or who have already earned their high school degrees. Recipients will receive a renewable $2,500 scholarship towards their education at an accredited 2 or 4-year college university, graduate school or vocational-technical school of their choice.
This program is administered by Scholarship America®, the nation’s largest designer and manager of scholarships and other education support programs for corporations, foundations, associations and individuals. Eligibility for individual programs is determined at the sole discretion of the sponsor and eligible applications are reviewed by Scholarship America’s evaluation team.
Applicants for the The NextMile Scholarship Program must:
If selected as a recipient, the student will receive a $2,500 award. Up to fifty (50) awards will be granted each year. The award must be used during the academic year for which it was granted.
Awards may be renewed for up to three additional years for undergraduate, graduate or vocational-technical study on the basis of maintaining a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent), continued employment without any gaps in service by the employee and continuation of the program by your employer.
Renewal students, check your Scholarship America Student Hub account for your 2025 online renewal form. If you have questions about your renewal, please contact Scholarship America at 507-931-1682 and ask for the NextMile Scholarship Program Manager. Do NOT create a new student account!
Selection of Recipients
Financial need is not considered. Selection of recipients is made by Scholarship America. In no instance does any officer or employee of your employer play a part in the selection. All applicants agree to accept the decision as final.
Applicants will be notified in July. Not all applicants to the program will be selected as recipients. Students may reapply to the program each year they meet eligibility requirements.
PLEASE NOTE: When you register to apply on the Scholarship America Hub, please use a VALID email address and mark Scholarship America as a safe sender. Also, be sure to check your email often for updates from Scholarship America.
Payment of Scholarships
Scholarship America processes scholarship payments on behalf of MileOne. Payments are made in one installment in early August. The check is payable to the college and sent to the student’s address.
As part of your application, you must upload the following:
Your application is not complete unless all required documents are submitted electronically.