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Frequently Asked Questions
Application status: Closed

Who can apply for a scholarship?

Dependent children, age 23 and under, of active full-time or regular part-time US employees of SAS or its subsidiaries who have a minimum of one year continuous employment with the company as of the application deadline date may apply. Applicants must be high school graduates who plan to enroll or students who are already enrolled in a full-time undergraduate course of study at an accredited four-year college or university for the entire upcoming academic year.

How do I apply for the scholarship?

New applicants for the SAS Scholar Award must submit their online application no later than 3:00 p.m. Central Time on April 1, 2025.

Where can I access the application?

The application can be found on the Scholarship America Student Hub using the “Apply Now” button on the program information page.

What is the dollar amount awarded for each academic year?

$3,750 each year; up to four years total.

How will I know if my application was submitted?

Once the application is “Locked and submitted” a confirmation email will be sent to the email that you used to register.

Do I need to fill out the application if I already received the SAS Undergraduate Scholarship?

No, current recipients will be sent requests for renewal information in January which are due to Scholarship America by February.

The application states a complete transcript is needed. Can I submit an ‘unofficial’ transcript?

An unofficial transcript is acceptable if the student name, school name, grade and credit hours earned for each course and term in which each course was taken are printed on the document.

How many years should the transcript include?

High school seniors must include a high school transcript of grades of at least the last three years of attendance. If more than one high school was attended, a transcript from each high school is required.

What transcript should I submit if I have completed one or more quarter(s) or semester(s) of postsecondary college education toward an undergraduate degree?

Students who have completed one or more quarter(s) or semester(s) of postsecondary education must include a college transcript of the completed quarter(s) or semester(s). Students who have completed less than one full quarter or semester of postsecondary college education must include a high school transcript of grades.

Do I submit SAT or ACT scores?

The ‘Super Score’ methodology is used in the application evaluation process. You may submit the best score for each category from the SAT, ACT or both depending upon which test(s) taken.

How many scholarships will be awarded for each academic year?

The number of scholarships awarded is evaluated each year and a determination is made prior to the announcement of the application process.

The application requires one applicant recommendation form to be completed by an adult professional. Who can provide this recommendation?

The recommender can be a high school or college counselor or advisor, an instructor, or a work supervisor who knows the student well. The recommendation will need to be submitted on the applicant’s behalf through the Scholarship America Student Hub by 3:00 p.m. Central Time on April 7, 2025.

Who do I contact if I have questions about the application?

You may email or call 1-507-931-1682 and ask for the SAS Scholars Program.